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Discover Okta’s New End-user Interface

Our historical partner in access security management, Okta, launched a new end-user interface enabling a more intuitive and ergonomic navigation.

Good news for the business that recently integrated the Okta identity and access management solution. In addition to centralizing the security of all your personal and business applications, Okta updates its end-user interface to simplify user’s navigation.

Fast Interface :

Thanks to the new updates , the employees can navigate quickly on the interface. They can log in easily on their personal space, manage their accounts from the dashboard, read admin notifications, and organize apps without technical assistance.

More intuitive use :

The new interface is more intuitive for beginners. They can search on the app browser which provides more relevant results.

Responsive Design :

Your employees can access the interface from various devices. The dashboard will load quickly enabling an optimized experience on all supports.

To learn how to successfully transition to the new interface, here is a small summary:

To read more about the new interface features, click here!


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